SJEM’s primary responsibility to our sponsored partners is to provide Catholic sponsorship.
SJEM’s responsibility is served through a variety of ways in which we support, encourage and provide accountability that Catholic identity and mission are alive and thriving in our sponsored institutions.
“I am proud of my affiliation with SJEM because I want to see the charism’s impact on individual lives through Catholic education continue for generations to come.”
Susan Lenihan, PhD, Founding Member of SJEM, Professor Emerita Fontbonne University
A relationship with SJEM as a Catholic sponsor includes the following aspects of mutual responsibility:
St. Joseph Educational Ministries
- Provides a Vatican approved Ministerial Public Juridic Person as sponsor
- Provides the ability to be recognized as Catholic
- Submits Annual report to Rome on the status of SJEM and its sponsored institutions
- Provides an institution’s non-profit designation
- Affirms board members and CEO
- Provides formation for new CEO/Presidents and other interested constituents of the institutions
- Provides opportunities for lay leadership in Catholic education through membership on SJEM
- Consults with institutions on issues dealing with Catholic identity and charism
- Develops a relationship with the local bishop as a sponsor of educational institution in the Arch/diocese
- Provides formation resources for institutional use
- Convenes interest groups for collaboration e.g. Mission Coordinators, faculty, Presidents/CEO, Administrators
- Organizes an annual Sponsorship Day for all member institutions
- Issues quarterly newsletters
- Provide on-site professional development days around Catholic identity and charism
Educational Institution
- Provides formation programs on Catholic identity/charism for Board, Administration, faculty and staff
- Promotes Catholic identity and charism through curricular and co-curricula opportunities
- Participates in Sponsorship Days
- Submits names of potential institutions Board members for affirmation
- Obtain SJEM input on the selection of a new President/CEO
- Complete Annual Sponsorship Report
- Pays annual assessment fee
- Collaborates with other sponsored institutions in ways to address issues of Catholic identity and charism
- Communicates and shares with the Director of SJEM.
- Publishes SJEM as sponsor on publications
- Recommends individuals for SJEM member board
- Shares best practices for the promotion of Catholic identity and charism
If you are a Catholic educational institution interested in sponsorship by SJEM, or have questions, please contact us for more information.