Bold … Compassionate … Brave … Justice … Service … Solidarity … Unifying love
Founded in 1650 in Le Puy, France, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet have been responding to God through the needs of the dear neighbor without distinction. In 1836, six Sisters arrived in St. Louis, Missouri beginning a tremendous missionary movement that would benefit the lives of many and serve as the impetus to a legacy that would be emboldened through a variety of ministries. It was not long before the revolutionary ministry of education would begin in the U.S. through the founding of the St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf in 1837, now an SJEM sponsored institution.

Unifying love
The CSJ identity is evident in the ministries that have served others as a response to the needs of “the dear neighbor” identified by the Sisters of St. Joseph at any point and time throughout history. As committed women to the need for justice, solidarity, and the flourishing of all of God’s people, education has always served as a primary way to sustain and to promote those virtues into the world through those who have received a CSJ education. The desire of an SJEM sponsored school, is to graduate learners who embody the CSJ charism of ‘unifying love’ and to move into the world to contribute through acts of service and justice for all. This is the hallmark of an SJEM education.
Live in profound love of God and neighbor without distinction.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
For more about the history of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, St. Louis Province, visit their website at