Professor Emerita, Communication Disorders and Deaf Education, Fontbonne University, St. Louis, MO

Susan taught in the deaf education program at Fontbonne University for over 35 years. She serves on the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and is currently the Past Chair. She is the Awards Committee Co-Chair for the Fontbonne Community Connection, a women’s giving circle. Susan has volunteered in marriage preparation programs, childcare, mentoring, immigrant partnering and tutoring.
Connection to the CSJs and their sponsored ministries
Susan attended Immacolata Elementary School and Fontbonne University where many of her teachers were Sisters of St. Joseph. Her love for the charism of the CSJs brought her back to teach at two CSJ sponsored ministries, St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf and Fontbonne University. At both institutions she taught alongside her mentors and friends, the CSJs. Susan became a CSJ Associate approximately six years ago and has had the honor and pleasure of getting to know many more CSJs and CSJAs through the associate program. She has served on the Mission Integration Committee at Fontbonne. She also has a connection to St. Joseph’s Academy as her daughter is a graduate. Susan is honored to serve as a member of St. Joseph Educational Ministry (SJEM).